Welcome back Mr. Freeman, Black mesa is now available on Early Access, Black Mesa is what we had all hoped half life source would have been, a total re invisoning of the Classic brought up to date with higher definition models, textures and more.
Then, download the blackmesa.zip file from the official homepage. I went with a Bittorrent download (because I guessed that my connection could handle more than I was likely to get from the site's direct-download link), and it downloaded in a bit under two hours (at an average of 1Mb/s).
Source Sdk 2007 Download Black Mesa
Download Zip: https://byltly.com/2vJagk
On September 14th, 2012, the first standalone version of Black Mesa, based on the 2007 version of the Source engine, was made available as a free download.[3] The version contained remakes of all Half-Life's chapters for the exception of the last chapter, set in the world of Xen. At the same time, in September 2012, the project became one of the first ten games to be approved by Steam Greenlight.[4] 2ff7e9595c